Monday, August 7, 2017

Clinical Pearl 77: Carbon Monoxide Poisoning: Is the RAD-57 Useful?

Currently, the standard for measuring Carbon Monoxide (CO) is CO-oximetry spectrophotometry via blood gas analysis. However the RAD-57 from Masimo, claims the ability to detect CO concentrations using a non-invasive instrument based on light spectrophotometry – a device similar to a pulse oximeter that measures CO. In fact, the device manufacturer claims the RAD-57 has the ability to measure functional O2-Hb as well as CO-Hb (SpCO). The question we ask is whether there is a role in the use of RAD-57 in the detection of CO in a prehospital setting or Emergency Department, and how reliable are these measurements? Can the RAD-57 readings be used clinical to truly risk stratify patients with CO poisoning?

Four prospective studies currently exist and the rest are case studies. These studies compared two variables; blood CO-Oximetry vs RAD-57 (SpCO) values, and were used to asses for % difference (bias), accuracy, and precision.

The first study, Barker et al, investigated the device in 10 healthy volunteers who were exposed to CO in a gas mixture until their CarboxyHb level reached 15%. The comparison revealed an uncertainty of +/- 2% from CO-Ox readings.

The prospective observational study by Suner et al used RAD-57 to measure CO levels for 10,856 patients from the ED. In the study 28 patients read positive with the RAD-57 of which 11 had no apparent clinical suspicion. Even though the study was able to show cases of occult CO poisoning, the data on the accuracy of those devices were not reported.

The third study Touger et al enrolled 120 patients with suspected CO toxicity based on history and was found to have an accuracy of 1.4% but had confidence intervals from -11.6 to 14.4 which demonstrates very poor accuracy of the device. Moreover the study revealed the RAD-57 only detected 11 out of the 23 patients that had COHb > 15%. Which means the preciseness of readings were also questionable due to the high false negative rate. This Annals of Emergency Paper concluded that Rad57 should not be used interchangeably with blood readings.

Roth et al. a prospective study actually found a positive outcome. This study measured the RAD-57 SpCO in 1278 ED pts in which 17 were positive, with a relatively low bias of 2.32% and precision of 4.01%. This study also revealed there as an increase in erroneous readings with increasing CO-Hb concentrations. The study might have suffered from selection bias, as not all patients that had SpCO readings had comparison CO-Hb results.

Nilson et al. demonstrated instances of elevated SpCO in the pre-hospital setting (n=1700). This initial elevated non-invasive reading did lead to faster blood CO-Hb measurement and time to hyperbaric therapy. It should be noted that that clinical outcomes were not measured. Case reports revealed when SpCO was used as a screening measure, all 5 cases that had a positive reading had a lower clinically acceptably level on CO-Ox (15% vs 10%). False positive results in such scenarios especially in the prehospital setting could lead to mismanagement of resources as well as add additional costs to the healthcare system.

Now how does SpCO stand up to concomitant hemoglobinopathies. Feiner et al. assessed the accuracy of SpCO reading with concomitant Methemglobenima, which revealed a linear increase in error with increasing MetHb levels, also questioning the reliability of SpCO readings.

From these limited studies we can infer that the use of the RAD-57 has significant limitations. Poor precision and sensitivity issues render that clinician unable to rule out CO poisoning in the field as well as the Emergency Department. Positive readings may guide triage however with the devices’ poor accuracy; the benefits might be overshadowed by the harm. Until improvements in device accuracy, we cannot recommend routine use of this device.


Barker SJ, Curry J, Redford D. Measurement of carboxyhemo- globin and methemoglobin by pulseoximetry: a human vol- unteer study. Anesthesiology 2006;105:892–7

Suner S, Partridge R, Sucov A, Valente J, Chee K, Hughes A, Jay G. Non-invasive pulse CO-oximetry screening in the emergency department identifies occult carbon monoxide toxicity. J Emerg Med 2008;34:441–50

Touger M, Birnbaum A, Wang J, Chou K, Pearson D, Bijur P. Performance of the Rad-57 pulse COoximeter compared with standard laboratory carboxyhemoglobin measurement. Ann Emerg Med 2010;56:382– 8

Feiner JR, Bickler PE, Mannheimer PD. Accuracy of methemoglobin detection by pulse CO-oximetry during hypoxia. Anesth Analg 2010;111:143– 8

Roth D, Herkner H, Schreiber W, Hubmann N, Gamper G, Laggner AN, Havel C. Accuracy of noninvasive multiwave pulse oximetry compared with carboxyhemoglobin from blood gas analysis in unselected emergency department patients. Ann Emerg Med 2011;58:74 –9

Nilson D, Partridge R, Suner S, Jay G. Non-invasive carboxy- hemoglobin monitoring: screening emergency medical services patients for carbon monoxide exposure. Prehosp Disaster Med 2010;25:253– 6

O’Malley GF. Non-invasive carbon monoxide measurement is not accurate. Ann Emerg Med 2006;48:477– 8


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