By: Katherine Tokarczyk, MD
Michael Carr, M.D.
Lidocaine is well known to the medical community as a
first line local anesthetic and cardiac antiarrhythmic agent. It acts by
blocking voltage gated sodium channels in neurons (pain receptors) and in
cardiac cells. In recent years its other implications have emerged into common
practice for various clinicians. It has been used in the past for bronchoscopy
to suppress coughing in the peri-procedural period. Perhaps more relevant to
the acute care clinician, nebulized lidocaine can also be used to suppress
retractable cough in patients with reactive airway disease such as asthma or
COPD. Can this be used in every day practice for patients with asthma and
intractable cough?
Lidocaine has recently been shown to be beneficial in
asthma therapy. It can prevent eosinophilic inflammation, over production of
mucus, and peri-bronchial fibrosis. Studies have recognized lidocaine as a
steroid-sparing agent it has been shown to decreased airway hyperactivity.
Lidocaine inhibits conduction of nerve impulses by decreasing
membrane permeability to sodium resulting increased the threshold for
excitation and diminishing progression of membrane depolarization. As a cough
suppressant, it thought to inhibit conduction of afferent nerve impulses and
will therefore suppress the cough reflex induced by mechanical and chemical
stimuli. It also prevents eosinophil activation by cytokines and thus damage to
epithelial and smooth muscle cells.
What about Lidocaine toxicity? This is a
concern when serum levels of lidocaine are over 5mcg/L. Symptoms include lighthheadness, tremors,
hallucinations, seizures, arrhythmias, paresthesia, and respiratory arrest. One should use caution when giving this medication
to patients with hepatic disease due to decreased rates of drug metabolism and
elimination rates. A safe range of
nebulized lidocaine is100-200mg per dose. Doses as high as, 600mg have been
used in young healthy patients, however. Serum levels of greater than 1 mcg/mL are not
reached until 300 to 400 mg is administered to the airway, either by means of
direct instillation (i.e. down an ET tube) or by nebulization.
Dose up to 3mg/kg/dose (for 70kg adult, 3mg/kg is 210 mg)
If using
2% (20mg/mL) Lidocaine, 10 mL is equal to 200 mg. Dilute in 5mL normal saline
Prior to nebulization.
using 4% (40mg/mL) Lidocaine, 5mL is equal to 200mg. Dilute in 10 mL normal
saline prior to nebulization.
can receive 4% Lidocaine 3ml in normal saline 3-4x/day
Dose up to 2.4 mg/kg/dose. Only Lidocaine 2% (20 mg/mL) should be used in
can receive 0.8mg/kg/dose to 2.5 mg/kg/dose in NS 3-4 x/day
The Evidence
Hunt et al, in a randomized, placed-controlled study in
patients with mild to moderate asthma (50 people), 25 received lidocaine and
25, placebo. Inclusion criteria for the study required each subject to have prebronchodilator
FEV1 64%-125%, and treatment with daily-inhaled glucocorticoids and
bronchodilator for at least two months. Each subject used peak flow values and
took their medication for two weeks. Everyone inhaled either nebulized saline
or lidocaine 4% 100mg, four times per day. They reduced their inhaled
glucocorticoids dosage by half each week for three weeks and stopped by week
four. They continued nebulized treatment for total eight weeks with their
bronchodilators. They recorded peak flow in the morning and at bedtime, using a
scoring sheet to report their symptoms. Ultimately, those treated with 2.5 mL
of 4% Lidocaine (100mg) 4 times daily decreased their inhaled glucocorticoid
dosage by half each week. Also when placebo was compared to lidocaine for eight
weeks, asthma severity decreased in the lidocaine group as measured by FEV1, night-time
awakening, overall symptoms, bronchodilator use and blood eosinophil blood concentration
(all P values <0.05).
A literature search using PubMed, international
pharmaceutical abstracts and Cochrane Library evaluating the use of nebulized
lidocaine in intractable cough and asthma yielded seven studies evaluating
nebulized lidocaine for intractable cough. Efficacy was reported with doses
10-400 mg. One case series of nebulized lidocaine 1 to 4% every 4-6 hours with
albuterol produced relief of cough in 21 patients with obstructive, restrictive
or infective airway disease. In a single blinded clinical trial, 127 patients
with cough secondary to COPD compared nebulized lidocaine 1mg/kg and
terbutaline 5mg for cough suppression.
Data was compiled by filling out a questionnaire. The results showed
improvements in cough severity compared to baseline assessments, but they were
not significant (P=0.4).
A review of five different clinical trials showed varying
results of improvement in PTFs and steroid-sparing effects. One study (N= 99)
nebulized lidocaine 40 mg twice daily with steroid-naïve patients with mild-moderate
asthma. They measured the change from
baseline FEV1 after 12 weeks of treatment. The results overall didn’t show
improvement in PFTs in FEV1%. The other
four studies, however, showed significant improvement in baseline PFTs. The
studies included in this review had limitations, however, such as small sample
size, design flaws, and inconsistencies in adjunctive therapies.
Although nebulized lidocaine is not
first-line therapy for in intractable cough and asthma, it does provide an
alternative treatment option in patients who cannot tolerate or are
unresponsive to other treatments. Keep
in mind, however that appropriate monitoring precautions should be used to
ensure patient safety.
1) Hunt LW,
Frigas E, Butterfield JH, et al. J Treatment of asthma with nebulized lidocaine: a
randomized, placebo-controlled study. Allergy Clin Immunol. 2004;113:853-859.
2) Decco ML1, Neeno
TA, Hunt
LW, et al, Nebulized lidocaine in the treatment of
severe asthma in children: a pilot study. Annals of Alleregy, Asthma Immunology
82; 1999.
3) Magda F. Serra, Ph.D., Edna A. et al. Nebulized
Lidocaine prevents Airway inflammation, peribronchial fibrosis and mucus
production in a Murine model of asthma. Anesthesiology 2012;
117: 580-591.
4) Rachel M Slaton, Rachel H Thomas, Joseph Wallace
Mbathi Evidence for Therapeutic Uses of Nebulized Lidocaine in the Treatment of
Intractable Cough and Asthma. The
Annals of Pharmacotherapy 2013;47
5) Hunt LW, Swedlund HA, Gleich GJ. Effect of
nebulized lidocaine on severe glucocorticoid-dependent asthma., Mayo Clin Proc
1996;71: 361-368.